Phil Cannella Protects Widows from Financial Devastation

Phil Cannella has come to the rescue of hundreds of women who have lost their husbands. These are widows who have not only been left emotionally devastated by the deaths of their respective spouses, but were completely overwhelmed by the thought of piloting the family finances. This difficult issue hits right at the very core of Phil’s principles and beliefs, and “how and why” he created the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System.

Phil Cannella has had experience with many families, where the husband was so often handling the finances when he died, thus leaving the widow with the devastating feeling of knowing little or nothing about the finances or investing. And what’s worse is that the surviving spouse is often taken advantage of by unscrupulous financial advisers who don’t act with a fiduciary responsibility, or in the best interest of his client.

Many of Phil Cannella’s Crash Proof clients actively talk about their experiences with the Founder of the Crash Proof Retirement System. Crash Proof client Marianne Layng said:

“I sat with Phil personally along with my ex-husband. Phil made a good case about not having to worry about the ups and downs of the market. We came back for a second presentation and we signed up. Back in 2008 when the market took a big drop. My neighbors and friends were worried about their investments. A lot of people took money out of their savings because they were afraid the market was going to be even worse. I was comfortable. I never had to worry about any of that. The crash proof retirement system worked and I lost nothing. I have not had to pay any fees and I am very comfortable with the way this whole process has gone.”

Crash Proof client Marianne Layng has had an average return of 5% over a 9-year period: losing nothing during the last market crash. Phil Cannella, through his proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System, has not only protected this client from financial destruction but gave her the type of service and care you would expect from a financial professional who has a fiduciary responsibility toward his clients.

About Phil Cannella

Head Analyst with First Senior Financial Group