Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella in the News: Phil Cannella Remembers his Roots

Phil Cannella Crash Proof Buzz

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella currently lives a life that is not unfamiliar with the spotlight, as Phil Cannella’s successful career has made his name recognizable on a national level. Although Phil Cannella has gained such an admirable status in society, he maintains humility in his daily workings as a Senior Advocate. Phil Cannella maintains his grounding because he never forgets where he came from.

Each week, when Phil Cannella travels the tri-state area guest speaking at educational events ,he shares stories from his past. It may not be the same story every time, but without failure, each week Phil Cannella can’t help but open up to his audience and share a colorful story about his humble upbringing. Phil Cannella does not shy away from the less appealing stories of his background either, as many who have met him quickly learn that despite Phil Cannella’s overwhelming success, he failed second grade. Phil Cannella knows that his past has made him who he is today, and to forget his past would be to lose grip of the present.

About Phil Cannella

Head Analyst with First Senior Financial Group

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