Phil Cannella Says Buy Low, Sell High

You would think people would listen to reason, yet despite truth and logic staring us in the face, more often than not, people invest based on some feeling rather than with science and logic.

Phil Cannella has been saying for years now what many industry icons have repeated stated: “Buy Low and Sell High.” Yet it seems like the everyday investor is too gullible and thinks that the highs would go on and on and on and on.

Phil Cannella predicted the recent market correction. He has been saying for some time that the economy has not grown in tandem with the market speculation that has driven the S&P 500 and Dow Jones and other Wall Street indices into new unchartered territory up until earlier this year. As Phil Cannella predicted in the last couple of months, the market has taken a little dive and dropped 10% – 15%. Now investors are panicking, wondering if we have hit bottom or not. Those who wish you to continue to stay at risk claim that we’ve hit the floor, the bottom. Of course they would say that for their livelihood is based on keeping your assets at risk.

Phil Cannella on the other hand has no vested interest, being the CEO of Retirement Media Inc. and vested with the responsibility of bringing truth to the American retiree, he has been standing up, as a preacher in church does, warning of the impending crash.

We’re seeing just the beginnings of it. And unlike others, Phil Cannella offers some real solutions to the everyday American investor, solutions that protect one’s investments and make them impervious to market crashes and any geopolitical events.

Phil Cannella is a man with solutions in his belt. He is there protecting his clients and building their investments so that they can enjoy them without sleepless nights.

About Phil Cannella

Head Analyst with First Senior Financial Group