Since demand for our educational events was so high in the Princeton, New Jersey area, we had to schedule another educational event just to catch the overflow from the last two events. Even so, the crowd is bigger than we could have hoped. Phil Cannella is so excited to be speaking to the retirees in this area and educating them about what they can expect in retirement. Here he is getting ready for the show:

Phil Cannella supervises the Crash Proof Retirement™ Production Crew as they set up for today’s educational event at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Princeton, NJ
Here you can see Phil Cannella supervising the setup of the Crash Proof Retirement™ Team’s brand new jib, a piece of equipment that allows them to capture dramatic aerial shots (you may remember that we debuted it at the Harry’s Savoy Grill event on January 30th). You can also see Keith and Mike, who along with Alex, have worked hard learning how to operate this great new piece of equipment.

Retirees take their seats in Princeton, NJ as Phil Cannella speaks to them about what to expect in retirement
And here we see Mike observing Phil Cannella as he speaks, making sure everything runs smoothly from a technical standpoint.
I hope everyone likes the pics, I enjoy being able to show Phil Cannella, Joann Small and the Crash Proof Retirement™ Team hard at work educating retirees.
Way to keep us posted Matt, you do it well. Also, gotta give some kudos to the wonderful photo journalist that is supplying you with all of these images… Whoever that may be?
I don’t know, but whoever it is needs to get a better camera on their phone…