It is now 2 o’clock and we are all finally getting settled from the typical Monday morning jump start to the week. It was an especially productive morning for a few of us in the media department, as we were summoned to a meeting organized by Lisa. Our friend from overseas was able to jump into our meeting and offer his wisdom (isn’t technology just wonderful these days?) We all assembled to put our heads together and develop new and exciting ways to get the Crash Proof message heard, so that more retirees can get educated on the complexity of retirement finances.
Even Phil Cannella was able to make the meeting, and his presence is always a welcome sight in meetings that stir the creative juices.
After a long and hearty discussion on new company projects, we all got back to our daily grind, excited to take on our newly assigned tasks. I decided to take this time to let the office know that they can expect to see some colorful productions coming from the media department in the near future.
I hope you’re all as excited as we are!