Phil Cannella Says Crash Proof Your Retirement

Phil Cannella likes to point out at his exclusive Crash Proof Retirement Educational Events:

“There’s no lack of articles written about reaching retirement, enjoying retirement and what to do in retirement. But when was the last time you read about any one Crash Proofing your retired years?”

You just don’t see much written about the topic of “Crash Proofing Your Retirement” and the reason is: Wall Street is just not rigged that way. Wall Street is designed for those in their younger years who can afford the time to live out market corrections and market crashes and do not have to use the assets they have been accumulating. The entire scenario changes when looking at accumulation versus retirement. There are very different zones of financial management and financial planning. An expert in one financial sphere is not an expert in another. Phil Cannella recognized that there was a lack of expertise and consumer advocacy in dealing with people in or near retired years. It was evident in the first decade of the 2000’s when millions of people in or approaching retirement lost so much of what they had worked and saved for when the stock market crashed twice in 10 years. As a result, Phil Cannella created the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System to protect retirement nest-eggs from market crashes or corruption. Every single week, Phil Cannella hosts a Crash Proof Educational Event to provide retirees with tools, advice and most importantly an education that can lead to protection of retirement savings, thus providing peace of mind. Phil Cannella doesn’t stop at the Crash Proof Educational events; he also host the weekly “Crash Proof Retirement Radio Show” to further expose the fees and corruption within the securities industry, while offering true Crash Proof solutions and protections that are available to people in or near retired years.

It is because of Phil Cannella’s desire to be a consumer advocate and help people that he has been able to touch so many lives and provide a guaranteed level of assurance that one’s hard earned dollars won’t be lost because of a market crash.

About Phil Cannella

Head Analyst with First Senior Financial Group