Category Archives: Office Happenings
Crash Proof™ Baby Shower: Crash Proofing™ Your Baby’s Future
So I’ve solved the mystery of why there were meatballs in the break room today… As in turns out, some of our office-mates were planning a baby shower for Traci. So thanks to everyone who brought in food, you made my (and Keith’s) day. Phil Cannella even managed to take some time out of his busy schedule to stop by and join us. Thanks to everyone who made this event a success. Here’s a few snapshots from the shower, with our lovely model, Kean: Read More +
Crash Proof™ Meatballs
To the person who brought this into the office: You are my hero, thanks. Hoagies and Meatball sandwiches, best thing ever.
IRA Training
I just completed my continuing IRA training, along with some of my coworkers. It was great getting the opportunity to learn more about IRAs, and I know that it will help me write better articles for our newsletter and website. I was also happy to learn more about this topic because it will definitely help me plan when I go to retire. The classes lasted 2 days, 8 hours each day of intensive, detailed IRA studies that really got into the details that most people Read More +