On Tuesday, Phil Cannella, Joann Small and the whole Crash Proof Retirement™ Team were happy to be hosting another Educational Event in New Jersey. This time, we were in Marlton at Fleming’s Steakhouse. The Crash Proof™ Production Crew snapped some great stills from the event and as usual, I wanted to share them with everyone.

Phil Cannella speaks one-on-one with a retiree at the Crash Proof Retirement™ Educational Event at Fleming’s Steakhouse in Marlton, New Jersey
This is probably my favorite picture from the event. It really shows how Phil Cannella enjoys spending time talking to retirees on a personal basis, and helping them through the issues they will face in retirement.

Phil Cannella speaks one-on-one with a retiree at the Crash Proof Retirement™ Educational Event at Fleming’s Steakhouse in Marlton, New Jersey