Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Following up from yesterday’s tip; your grip is a critical part of the swing. The club is not a baseball bat; so don’t hold it like one. Grip the club in your fingers and not into the palms of your hands.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Now that Spring is finally here and April is shaping up to be a mild month; the better your striking ability is, the easier it will be to keep your distance with the clubs. The longer the club head remains on the intended line of flight through impact (i.e. square for a normal swing), the better. This will help minimize those errand slices and shanks.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Check your balance before starting your swing by feeling each of your cleats are making equal contact with the ground. If you start off-balance, you will never recover to be balanced while swinging. If you follow this tip, you at least have a chance of having a more balanced swing.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
As golf is a civilized game, today we focus on etiquette. A golf course is meant to be a place free of interruptions; cellular phone and pagers should be kept on ‘Silent’. Enjoy the time on the course and use it to ‘re-charge’ yourself and get away from your day-to-day life issues.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Today we switch from putting to the swing: At the end of your swing, your weight should be over the top of your front heel and your front foot should not have moved.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Today’s tip is focused on helping you with your short game: Once again I will be calling on your imagination to help guide you to a better swing. Imagine a railroad track 1″ wider than your putter. Keep your putter in this track during back swing and follow through. By creating guidelines with your imagination, you essentially force your natural kinetics to be more precise.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Here’s a hint for your swing. The golf action is based upon a free swing of the hands and arms independent of the body.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
Your grip when holding the club is important. For a proper grip, slight finger pressure should be applied with the last three fingers of the left hand and the two middle fingers of the right hand. No pressure should be applied with thumbs and index fingers of either hand. For lefty’s, reverse this.
Pete’s Crash Proof™ Golf Tips
To really make this a series you need to have more than one post. Keep your eyes out for more. I came across this tid-bit and it includes a video. Enjoy. Golf Ball hitting steel at 150 mph This video is at 70,000 frames per second. Most people think golf balls are fairly hard. Now, understand, no one has a swing speed of 150 mph, including Tiger Woods who is just under 130 mph. The reason you often hear people talk about ball compression and Read More +
Pete’s New Series- Crash Proof Golf Tips
To help improve the office as a whole I will be sharing some of the better golf tips that come across my desk from my daily calendar. Today’s hint: Imagine your wrists are in a cast so that they cannot break down and flip at the ball during impact when chipping and pitching. Keep your eyes out for more tips from my series, Pete’s Crash Proof Golf Tips. By the end of the year I expect all of us to be scratch Read More +
First Senior Financial Client now at RMD age
Just got off the phone with a client whom attained age 70 1/2…He wanted to tell me that he is sending me back his RMD forms and was very thankful for helping him through this process…he offered to buy me lunch next time I am in the city. I’m thinking Arby’s.