Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News
Phil Cannella Crash Proof Buzz
Phil Cannella was pleased the Phil Cannella Crash Proof Retirement™ Educational Event at the Bethlehem Hotel in Bethlehem, PA went so well. Phil Cannella was pleased with the turnout because he loves to bring his message of Crash Proof Retirement to as many people as possible. As usual, the guys from the production crew sent me over some pictures from the event in which you can really see how impassioned Phil Cannella gets when he speaks to retirees and helps them get educated about their finances. Here are a few shots from the Crash Proof Retirement™ Event on July 16th at the Bethlehem Hotel:

Phil Cannella speaks to the crowd at the Hotel Bethlehem about Retirement, and how they can prepare for the future.
As you can see, all the retirees in the crowd loved hearing from Phil Cannella and enjoyed attending the event. If you’d like to see a list of upcoming Crash Proof Retirement™ Educational Events, you can visit We hope to see you at the next event!